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Our Policy


We believe that The Grindstone, at its core, is a community. It’s built day by day by every individual who supports or creates independent performing art with us in Edmonton.


There is just one price of admission into our awesome community: respecting the dignity of every person.


Our Community Standards Policy  describes in further detail what this means.



Harassment Prevention + Complaint Resolution Guidelines


The attached guideline defines inappropriate behaviours at The Grindstone, it informs Grindstone’s practices in dealing with complaints of inappropriate behaviour, and gives our community members an idea of what they can expect should they become involved in a complaint resolution process. We take all reports seriously. Each offence and resolution will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis using these Guidelines to inform our actions.




Harassment Reporting + Paths to Resolution

Report an Incident


If you witness or experience bullying, harassment, discrimination, abuse, threats, or assault, by any member of the Grindstone community, please let us know. You can fill out this online Incident Report form, set up a meeting with a Grindstone office staff or board member, or ask for a paper Incident Report form at our box office.




Crisis Resources


Please understand that we are not trained counsellors or crisis personnel. If you require professional help or support, we encourage you to please access the community crisis resources listed here.


If you are in immediate immediate danger, please call 911.


  • Edmonton Police Service: 780-423-4567

  • Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton:

    • Support & Information Line: 780-423-4121

    • Text, toll-free long distance or non-English support: 1-866-403-8000

    • Online chat (9am – 9pm):

  • Sexual Assault Response Team (SART): can be accessed through any emergency room in the city by checking in with the Triage Nurse and asking to see a Sexual Assault Response Team (or SART) nurse

  • 24/7 Distress Line: 780-482-4357

  • Mental Health Help Line: 1-877-303-2642

  • Adult Mental Health Crisis Services: 780-342-7777

  • Family Violence Help Line: 780-310-1818

  • Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868

  • Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-387-5437

  • Children’s Mental Health Crisis Services: 780-427-4491

  • Free Walk-In Counseling:

  • Saffron Society, Sexual Assault Support (greater Strathcona County):

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