Once you've learnt and explored elements of character, relationship, and story arcs with rich stakes and conflict, the next challenge is to stretch those tools over the course of a connected story that runs between 30-90 minutes, all while keeping your audience engaged and entertained. Improv 204: Intro to Long Form students will bring all of their improv knowledge and tools on stage to spontaneously create cohesive long-form stories with engaging arcs, relationships, characters, and narrative devices; being challenged through expanded warm-up and "brain-melting" improv exercises in order to effectively turn off our brains and become more present in scenework. The course will have students use many ensemble techniques to work together and build rewarding "payoff" moments in their shows, as well as identifying common improv traps or bad habits in order to better avoid or recover from them. Crucially, students will explore and gain familiarity with multiple long-form formats, rehearsing several and choosing a format to perform for their student showcase; expanding their knowledge of long-form formats, past students have developed skills and storytelling strengths that they weren't aware of, bringing vibrant energy to the spaces they perform in. By defining certain principles of improv and long-form storytelling, Improv 204 will help students discover how to consistently find a sense of play in improv, seeing scenes and stories as opportunities to find "what's fun" about any scenario. Come "connect the dots" in Improv 204: Intro to Long Form!
*Improv 204: Intro to Long Form is the fourth offering in Grindstone Theatre School's 200 levels, intended to use skills developed in levels 201: Characters, 202: Relationships, and 203: Stakes & Conflict, however Students with any real world amateur or professional improv or theatre experience are encouraged to sign up. Past 204 students are welcome to register again, as there is always more to learn and develop when it comes to these skills.
DATES: This class will return in Fall 2025!
PREREQUISITE: Improv 101 or equivalent
SHOWCASE: The showcase will take place within 14 days after the last day of classes.
COST: Early Bird - $400+GST | Lazy Bird - $450+GST
Term Dates: January - March, 2025
Term Dates: April - June, 2025
Term Dates: June - July, 2025
Term Dates: September - November, 2025